QuickstartMedia Gen REST APIs

Upscaling REST API

In addition to image generation, OctoAI can also upscale images to higher resolutions.


Upscaling takes an existing image you provide and upscales it to a higher resolution.


  • init_image_url / init_image - The URL to an image or a base64-encoded image (respectively) to upscale. Specify only one of these.
  • scale / output_image_height / output_image_width - determined how much to upscale the provided image. Specify only one of these.
    • scale - floating point value indicating how much to scale the input resolution by (e.g., scale: 2.0 would double the input width and height)
    • output_image_height - height of the desired upscaled image in pixels. The corresponding width will be computed off of this value to preserve the aspect ratio.
    • output_image_width - width of the desired upscaled image in pixels. The corresponding height will be computed off of this value to preserve the aspect ratio.
  • model (optional): The model to use for upscaling faces. Default value is real-esrgan-x4-plus. Options:
    • real-esrgan-x4-plus
    • real-esrgan-x4-v3
    • real-esrgan-x4-v3-wdn
    • real-esrgan-animevideo-v3
    • real-esrgan-x4-plus-anime
    • real-esrgan-x2-plus

cURL example

1curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $OCTOAI_TOKEN" -X POST "https://image.octoai.run/upscaling" \
2 -d '{
3 "init_image": "$BASE64_IMAGE_HERE",
4 "scale": 2.5,
5 "model": "real-esrgan-x4-v3"
6 }'