QuickstartMedia Gen REST APIs

Background Removal REST API

Background removal takes an existing image you provide and removes those parts of the image considered to be “background.

Background removal takes an existing image you provide and removes those parts of the image considered to be “background.”

Request payload


  • init_image (str, required) - A base64-encoded image whose background should get removed.
  • alpha_matting (bool; false) - If true, apply matting on the alpha channel.
  • alpha_matting_foreground_threshold (number in [0, 255]; 240) - When alpha_matting is true, mask pixels larger than this value are considered foreground pixels.
  • alpha_matting_background_threshold (number in [0, 255]; 10) - When alpha_matting is true, mask pixels smaller than this value are considered background pixels.
  • alpha_matting_erode_size (number; 10) - When alpha_matting is true, size of the erosion structure to apply, in pixels.
  • only_mask (bool; false) - When true, return only a single-channel image containing a foreground-background mask. Foreground pixels have values closer to 255, and background pixels have values closer to 0.
  • post_process_mask (bool; true) - When true, apply morphological operations to the mask to smooth it.
  • bgcolor (list[int]; optional) - When given, replace background pixels with this color in the output image.


  • image_b64 (str) - Base64-encoded png containing the processed image.
  • removed_for_safety (bool) - When true, background removal was not performed because init_image was found to have violated our terms of service.

cURL example

$curl -X POST "https://image.octoai.run/background-removal" \
> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> -H "Authorization: Bearer $OCTOAI_TOKEN" \
> -d '{"init_image": "$BASE64_IMAGE_HERE"}'